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How to act without acting?
Richard Logue
Our minds cannot control the processes of self-healing, because the mechanisms of these processes, it simply unknown. With meditation the mind can sometimes see images or feel any sensation, but it is just side effects. Unfortunately, the conscious action to achieve self-healing changes will not work. Our body and mind gradually come to life, freed from the continuous pressure of the surrounding world.
Thus, systematically engaging in the classical yoga, we can help resolve their problems. The basis of this technique is systematic in time and place.
The basic principle of classical yoga of action is not the only right way to perfection, because he does not try to directly influence our organs and systems. You cannot get the power to work better kidney. Only a competent yoga will lead to desirable changes in the body and psyche, and they occur under the commands of the organism. We are required only to create the necessary conditions. It is in this lies our conscious action. Regularity of these actions leads to the launch of the regeneration processes. Yogi, creating the necessary conditions, then can only indirectly observe the proceeding. This is the action is not action.
In no case should one try to accelerate the process state changes in our body. Rushing can lead to pain and injury. You must adhere to one rule: do yoga every day in the same place. Desirable changes occur, but occur slowly and gradually, depending on you.
Remember once and for all: Yoga classes involve indirect effects on the body without your conscious participation!
This is the foundation of classical yoga. Want to be healthy and flexible – just competently practicing yoga. You do not have anything extra to think, even with good intentions to improve their health. Quality yoga without conscious intervention in the processes is the best way to regenerate the body.
Richard has been writing articles for nearly 1 year. Come visit his latest website over at
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